CBC Wildlife News

Records submitted in the last 31 days, most recent first. Amber indicates scarce, bold red indicates a description is needed for verification at county or national level, green indicates category D (reasonable doubt of natural occurrence) or category E (escapes or non-sustaining introductions).


Mon 21 October 2024

Cley Marshes
13:30 to 15:30
Mild, overcast, light SW wind. Dry.

4 Water Pipit (In front of Daukes Hide then off north towards NW corner of Simmonds before flying west with possibly two others.) ,

9 Cattle Egret (NW of Whitwell Scrape ) ,

3 Ruff (Simmonds Scrape) ,

170 Lapwing (Simmonds Scrape) ,

[David Griffiths]

Sun 20 October 2024

Salthouse (sea)
08:15 to 08:25
Dull and overcast. S.E. wind.

c.65 Ringed Plover (Circling over the sea, landing briefly on. the beach) ,

1 Turnstone (Flying with the Ringed Plovers) ,

[Graham Sutton]

Sat 19 October 2024

Walsey Hills
14:00 to 15:30

1 Yellow-browed Warbler (Un-ringed bird finally came into view when the rain eased off briefly.) ,

1 Siberian Chiffchaff ,

1 Chiffchaff (collybita) ,

[Geoff Snelson]

Sat 19 October 2024

Cley Marshes
08:30 to 14:20
Wet, cloudy, wind mild from SW.

2 Velvet Scoter (Still off CG ? day 5) ,

2 Red-throated Diver (on sea) ,

12 Turnstone (Beach high tide roost) ,

44 Ringed Plover (High tide roost on beach) ,

2 Great White Egret (2 in from the east - had been seen at Weybourne, Salthouse and then in to Billy's Wash.) ,

100 Golden Plover (Over reserve) ,

c.1 Long-billed Dowitcher (On Pats from mid morning) ,

1 Starling (On beach - fresh in and being eyed up by a nearby Herring Gull) ,

3 Stonechat (Eye Field fenceline ) ,

120 Pink-footed Goose (North Scrape) ,

c.2 Egyptian Goose (Eye Field) ,

1 Yellow-browed Warbler (CR bird Walsey Willows.) ,

7 Ruff (Pats) ,

75 Black-tailed Godwit (Icelandic) (Pats) ,

3 Avocet (Pats) ,

1 Dunlin (Simmonds) ,

[David Griffiths]

Fri 18 October 2024

Cley Marshes
08:00 to 09:30
Warm, wind from SW, mild breeze.

2 Velvet Scoter (Still of Cley CG - female and juvenile.) ,

7 Common Scoter (Off CG) ,

7 Red-throated Diver (2 on sea, 5 east) ,

1 Yellow-browed Warbler (Walsey Willows - colour ringed but unable to discern arrangement) ,

1 Siberian Chiffchaff (Walsey - very active and feeding near NOA steps. Very vocal.) ,

[David Griffiths]

Thu 17 October 2024

Cley Marshes
07:10 to 09:30
16C, SW f3, overcast. Visited Bishop's, Skirts, E Bank & Arnold's.

15 Pink-footed Goose (flew N, none roosting when we arrived.) ,

4 Little Grebe (Main Drain/Brackish) ,

1 Grey Heron ,

1 Great White Egret (Brackish) ,

3 Little Egret ,

21 Cattle Egret (E of E Bank with cows) ,

6 Cormorant ,

3 Marsh Harrier ,

3 Water Rail (heard) ,

77 Black-tailed Godwit ,

123 Curlew (Arnold's early) ,

1 Long-billed Dowitcher (on Arnold's at c. 8:10 then flew S. Later on Pat's) ,

4 Snipe ,

99 Redshank ,

15 Ruff (12 ad m, 1 juv m, 2 ad f) ,

60 Dunlin ,

3 Turnstone (1 Arnold's, 2 beach) ,

127 Ringed Plover (on beach) ,

4 Grey Plover (Arnold's) ,

433 Lapwing ,

1 Kingfisher (Pat's) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

Wed 16 October 2024

Cley Marshes
15:00 to 15:45
Calm Southerly breeze

1 Long-billed Dowitcher (Feeding busily) ,

[Paul & Jan Williams]

Wed 16 October 2024

Cley Marshes
07:05 to 09:35
14-15 C, SE f4, cloud. Visited Bishop's, Skirts, E Bank, viewing Arnold's from Lookout, Brackish, North, Eye fence, Coastguards.

30 Pink-footed Goose (left roost on Pat's at 07:32) ,

35 Dark-bellied Brent Goose (8 on N Scrape, rest flying in, out or over) ,

7 Pintail (Brackish) ,

4 Grey Heron ,

2 Great White Egret (flew W) ,

5 Little Egret ,

6 Cattle Egret (with cattle S of Pope's Pool) ,

7 Cormorant ,

2 Little Grebe (Brackish) ,

1 Marsh Harrier (m) ,

2 Water Rail (heard) ,

1 Avocet (Pat's) ,

34 Curlew (incl. 26 W off Arnold's at 07:43) ,

70 Black-tailed Godwit ,

1 Bar-tailed Godwit (Arnold's) ,

1 Long-billed Dowitcher (Pat's) ,

77 Redshank ,

2 Ruff (both ad m) ,

38 Dunlin ,

1 Ringed Plover (Arnold's) ,

2 Grey Plover (Arnold's) ,

310 Lapwing ,

1 Kingfisher (Pat's) ,

3 Stonechat (Eye Field) ,

21 Common Scoter (6 resting, 15W on/over sea) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

Tue 15 October 2024

Blakeney Point
07:40 to 13:30
Overcast ESE wind

1 Bittern (0800 flew over saltmarsh eastwards and dropped in to Cley Marshes ) ,

1 Chaffinch ,

32 Blackbird ,

2 Merlin ,

2 Rook ,

3 Little Grebe ,

19 Brambling (all flyovers but one in the Plantation) ,

2 Water Rail (One by B&W boat and one on the Fairway) ,

130 Linnet ,

2 Siskin ,

11 Song Thrush ,

91 Redwing ,

2 Robin ,

1 Yellow-browed Warbler (Plantation) ,

1 Peregrine ,

1 Woodcock ,

1 Kingfisher ,

[Paul Laurie]

Tue 15 October 2024

Cley Marshes
07:10 to 09:25
9-12C, ESE f3, cloud. Visited Bishop's, Skirts, E Bank & Arnold's.

128 Pink-footed Goose (70 S off N Scrape at 07:22 probably roosted. Rest high E later) ,

9 Pintail (Brackish incl. 2 drakes moulting into winter plum) ,

3 Little Grebe ,

1 Grey Heron ,

4 Little Egret ,

19 Cattle Egret (Pat's early, then 18 on Serpentine with cows) ,

2 Cormorant ,

2 Marsh Harrier ,

2 Water Rail (heard, 1 Pat's, 1 W of E Bank) ,

1 Avocet (Pat's) ,

6 Curlew ,

62 Black-tailed Godwit ,

1 Long-billed Dowitcher (Pat's, with Godwits) ,

53 Redshank ,

1 Ruff (ad m, Arnold's) ,

19 Dunlin (Arnold's) ,

2 Grey Plover (Arnold's) ,

97 Lapwing ,

2 Ringed Plover (Arnold's briefly) ,

2 Stonechat (Arnold's) ,

1 Kingfisher (Pat's) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

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