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Newsletter 129 – Spring 2024
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Bayfield Hall
Blakeney (sea)
Blakeney GM
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Blakeney Point
Cley (sea)
Cley 10Km Square
Cley Marshes
Cley Village
Field Dalling (Cley Square)
Glaven Valley
Kelling (sea)
Kelling Heath
Kelling Triangle
Kelling WM
Langham gdns
Muckleburgh Hill (W)
Outside the Square
Salthouse (sea)
Salthouse Heath
Walsey Hills
Wiveton Downs
Paul Test1
Paul Test2
Adam Pimble
AdamAlice Bishop
Adam Maizey
Ade Hall
Adrian Butler
Adrian Ford
Adrian Vernon
Alan Channer
Alan Dakin
Alan Jackson
Alan Lloyd
Alan Mcbean
Alan Smith
Alan Stevens
Alan Dixon
Alan Goodall
Alan Lewis
Alan & Janet Hughes
Alan Roe
AlanTricia MasonHickey
Alan Wright
Alastair Brown
Alex Randall
Alexander Wasse
Algon korah
Alice Bishop
Alison Stenhouse
Alison Toon
Alison Williams
Alison Wilson
Alistair Cossins
Allan Dean
Allan Parker
Allan Turner
Allen & Melanie Hilton
Alwyn Jackson
Amanda Holden
amanda thwaits
Andrew Bamforth
Andrew Cannon
Andrew Clarke
Andrew Clements
Andrew Coates
Andrew Cox
Andrew Emery
Andrew Strong
Andrew Williams
AndrewAnn Duff
Andrew Birkett
Andrew Buckley
Andrew & Helen Hickinbotham
Andrew Howarth
Andrew Kershaw
Andrew Key
Andrew Lennard-Jones
Andrew Riley
Andrew Robinson
Andy Benson
Andy Dentry
Andy Hale
Andy Mcguinness
Andy Parry
Andy Pryce
Andy Stoddart
Andy Evans
Andy Herbert
Andy Thompson
Andy Wilson
Angela Pyatt
Angie Oxenbury
Ann Cleall
Ann Duff
Ann Gladwin
Ann Jones
AnnBrin Lawrence
Anne Mansfield
AnneDavid Webster
Anne Davies
Anny Hare
Anthony Hill
Anthony Holt
anthony tiller
Antony Howe
Audrey Chappell
Audrey Chappell
Test Member
Tony Marr
Barry Bye
Barry Davies
Barry Squires
BarryGillian Pilgrim
Barry Perkins
Beecher Betts
Belinda Holley
Ben Greig
Ben Johnson
Benjamin Williams
Ben Clark
Ben Test
Bernard Bishop
Bernard Haynes
Bernard Tierney
Bertram Bree
Betty Clements
Beverley Fallon
Bill Rowe
Jo Latham
Bob Cobbold
Bob Cossey
Bob Empson
Bob Hunter
Bob Jones
Bob Willars
Bob Billington
Brenda Palmer
Brenna Batchelder
Brian Bushnell
Brian Eastwood
Brian Hacker
Brian Lewicki
Brian Shaw
Brian Summerfield
Brian Whitworth
BrianAmanda Churches
BrianAndRozel Daltrey
Brian Bennett
Brian Dent
Brian Edmonds
Brian Gillam
Brian Smith
Bruce Carson
Bruce Hogg
Bruce Martin
Bryan Barnacle
Bt Pottle
Chris Hubbard
Calum Lamont
Carl Brooker
Carl Chapman
Carla Webb
Carol Anderson
CarolineAndJames Reid
Carol Stiglic
Catherine Leece
Cathy Ryden
Cbc Admin
Celia Wilkinson
Charles Daplyn
Charles Hebert
Charlie Bower
Charlie Luke
Charlotte Christianson
Charlotte Tuffnell
Chris Abrams
Chris Cook
Chris Halsall
Chris Hudson
Chris Hunter
Chris Kirby
Chris Moorhouse
Chris Porter
Chris Ward
Chris Wheeler
Chris Little
ChrisAlison Allen
Chris Gooddie
Chris Hill
Chris Lamsdell
ChrisMaggie Parker
Chris Mills
Chris Orders
Chris Owen
Christine Wilson
Christopher Birch
Christopher Coles
Christopher Keene
Christopher Ley
Christopher Mason
Christopher Walpole
Christopher Williams
christopher elmer
ChristopherJames Bloor
Christopher Kenyon
Cindy Lee Wright
Claire Brayne
Clare Beswick
Clive Athowe
Clive Lewis
Clive Lickley
Clive Matthews
Colin Allen
Colin Blaxill
Colin Bradford
Colin Geeves
Colin Kidman
Colin Roberts
Colin Bradford
Colin Hunt
Colin & Julia Horwood
colin matthams
Connie Stapleton
Corrinne Bartell
Craig Watson
Chris Hill
Dale Gardiner
Daniel Tungate
Daniel Webb
Dave Balcombe
Dave Curtis
Dave Horsley
Dave Lee
Dave Saunders
Dave Darwent
Dave Derrick
DaveDonna Manning
David Astins
David Beer
David Bentley
David Blyth
David Bradshaw
David Braithwaite
David Bratt
David Bryant
David Carrington
David Christie
David Clements
David Edgar
David Fell
David Foulk
David Gibbons
David Gilroy
David Golds
David Gotts
David Griffiths
David Haigh
David Hammond
David Holmes
David Hooker
David Jackson
David Low
David Mullenger
David North
David Pell
David Powell
David Ronnie
David Severn
David Tipling
David Tomney
David Tottman
David Ward
David Waters
David Willars
David Wilson
David Winnie
David Hunt
David Alford
DavidAndHilary Lennard-Jones
David Beake
David Bennett
DavidBrenda Speight
David Chapman
DavidClare Marris
David Crombie
DavidDiane Coslett
David Gallagher
David Hemingway
David Horton
David Hughes
DavidJacquie Bridges
DavidLesley Wright
David Molton
David Norris
David Oldham
David & Pat Wileman
David Payne
David Stothard
David Taylor
DavidVivien Foreman
David Ward
David Wilkinson
David Williams
Dawn Lines
Daniel Masters
DeanNicola Nicholson
Debbie Fisher
Dave & Jacquie Bridges
Demo TestUser
Denice Halpin
Denise Penny
Derek Gaffney
Derek Parslow
Derek Pickering
Derek Doy
DerekJudy Leak
Derrick Jackson
Desmond Baggott
Diana Cooke
Diana Jakeways
Diana Skingle
Dave Thompson
Dominic Gwilliam-Bell
Dominic Norton
Don Dorling
Donaldas Antinas
Don Mackenzie
Donna J E Hill
Doreen Marr
Dorothy Richards
Dot Machin
Doug Cullern
Drew Grant
Drew Hill
Dr Russ Heselden
Duncan Macdonald
Eddie Myers
Eddie NationalTrust
Eddie Deane
EddieMaureen Irwin
Edmund Mackrill
Edward Sears
Edwin Marrison
Elaine Walker
Elizabeth Radley
Elizabeth Woodford
Ellen Hancock
Emma Buck
Eric Read
Ernest Thomason
Euan Curnow
Fenella Greenfield
Ffyona Shuker-Bott
Fiona Allan
Fiona Wace
Fran Farrell
Frank Hawes
Frank Lambert
Frank Mason
Fraser Paterson
Fred Elliston
Frederic Landes
G Donson
Gareth Drew
Garry Barlow
Garry Heath
Garry Price
Gary Bunting
Gary Lewis
Gary Wright
Gary Evans
Gary Pillans
Gary Watson
Gavin Horsley
Geof Douglas
Geoff Allen
Geoff Bowen
Geoff Bradshaw
Geoff Dyson
Geoff Noy
Geoff Russon
Geoff lea
Geoff Martin
Geoff Snelson
George Baldock
George Booker
george hendry
George Matkin
Georgiana Alaniz
Geraldine Evans
Gerard Sabran
Giles Dunmore
Gill Wilson
Gillian Williams
Gillian Welsman
Gilly Jones
globuse realtors
Glyn Herrieven
Gordon Follows
Gordon Hamlett
Gordon Nash
Gordon Mills
Graeme Hewson
Graham Brownlow
Graham Fellows
Graham Billington
Graham Deal
Grahame Eckworth
Graham & Marjory White
Graham Sutton
Graham Ward
Greg Bond
Greg Hasnip
Guy Bailey
Gwen Luker
Hanne Siebers
Harry Savill
Harry Hopkins
Hugh Barton
Heather Hipson
Helen Ansell
Helen Scarsbrook
Helena Gaynor
Helen Hassall
Helen Houghton
Helen Inkles
Helen Tann
Helen Walker
Helen Wood
Howard Wix
Howard Cooper
Hugh Williams
Huw Francis
Ian Doble
Ian Eggelton
Ian Johnson
Ian Johnstone
Ian Money
Ian Paterson
Ian Sharp
Ian Taylor
Ian Brindley Morgan
Ian Hydes
IanJill Hayes
Ian Malcolm
IanTherese MorrisonHayden
IanTina Reeve
Ifor Jones
Ifor Jones
Ian & Tina Reeve
Isabelle Pound
Jackie Clarke
Jacqueline Sonsino
James Appleton
James Cole
James Emerson
James Ewen
James Mccallum
James Barraclough
James Bond
Jamesjane Oakley
Jan Kevlin
Jane Crossen
Jane Starkey
JanetMB Gray
Janice Fendell
Janice Darch & Stephen Ecclestone
Jaqui Wyatt
Jason Gilkes
JasonTest GilkesTest
JasonTest GilkesTest
Jaymin 21
JAymin Prajapati
Jaymin Prajapati
JAymin Prajapati
JAymin Prajapati
Jaymin Prajapati
Jean Terrington
John & Jean Hollick
Jeffrey Gray
JennieJames Walker
Jennifer Standish
Jennifer ffrench-Constant
Jennifer Hynes
Jenny Mottram
Jerome Murray
Jerry Lanfear
Jono Forgham
Jill Maynard
Jill Sears
Jim Anthony
Jim Wright
JimAndGill Russon
Jim Lawrence
Jim Lightwing
Jimmy Mancini
Jimmy Selph
jim nutley
J Limb
Jo Latham
Jo Aldridge
Jo Childs
Jo Eaton
Joe Coleman
Joe Curry
Joe Parham
John Barley
John Belsey
John Bennett
John Cucksey
John Dicks
John Donovan
John Fairey
John Ferguson
John Forss
John Furse
John Hiles
John Hobbs
John Hopkins
John Hurst
John Kenyon
John Key
John Lawford
John Liggins
John Line
John Mcgorrigan
John Mears
John Miller
John Norris
John Richardson
John Scullard
John Squirrell
John Sykes
John Threadgold
John Vince
John Walshe
John Wooltorton
John Yates
John and Anna Assheton
JohnBrenda Palmer
john clayden
John England
John Ferguson
John Filowiat
John Fisher
John Haresign
JohnIris Mason
JohnJane Nicholson
JohnJean Hollick
JohnJeanette Spooner
John Jennings
John Morgan
John Morton
JohnNan Fawcett
John Pickett
JohnR Coleman
John Roote
John Silkstone
John Sutherland-Smith
John Swallow
John Wheeler
John Wilkins
john wright
johny Smithy
Jon Dunn
Jon Rosser
Jonathan Anderson
Jonathan Barnes
Jonathan Mercer
Jonathan Prochera
Jonathan White
Jon Bunting
Jon Bunting
Jon & Kath Trinder
Joshua Purwar
Judith Wells
JudithAndDavid King
Judith Mitlin
Judy Clift
Julia Ivison
Julian Meaney
Julian Stair
Julian White
Julian Roberts
Julian Thomas
Julie Meikle
Julie Muddel
julie Darsley
Julie Jordan
Julie Mansfield
Julie Marshall
Julie Mayne
Julie Mickelburgh
Julie Naylor
Juliet Sallis
Juliet Moore
Karen Andrews
Karen Spavin
Karen Wilson
Steve Hale
Kath & Mick Claydon
Kathryn Lord
Kathy Deakins
kay knowles
Kayn Forbes
Keiran Martin
Keiran Testing Tester
Keiran Testing Testing
Keith Badrick
Keith Dye
Keith Tinworth
Keith Waters
Keith Benyon-Tinker
Keith Bilverstone
KeithMargaret Butler
Ken Limb
Ken Thornton
Ken Yerrill
KenSue Sturgess
keri murfitt
Kerry Harris
Kerry Abbs
Kevin Browne
Kevin Daniels
Kevin Prince
Kevin Saward
Kevin Elliston
Kevin Elsby
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hand
Kevin Saward
Kevin Widgery
Kieran Nixon
Kirsty Bailey
Klaus Misch
Larry Graham
Lavinia Burnham
Lee Kilby
Angela Batten
Leo Batten
leonard quy
Leon Castell
Les Easom
Les Dixon
Colin & Lesley Gladwin
lesley matthews
CBC Admin2
Liam Moan
Linda Blythe
Lindsay Davies
Chris Tucker
Liz Bridge
Liz Palmer
Liz Wheeler
Gwen Luker
Bob Mccurley
Lynda Johnson
Lynette Dear
Lynn Boyce
Mac Macheta
Maggie Godfrey
Maggy Smith
Major Gilbert
Malcolm Bowling
Malcolm Clayson
Malcolm Norman
Malcolm (Al) Davies
MalcolmDiana Freeman
Malcolm Jackson
Mali Halls
Malvin Fuller
Marcus Nash
Marcus Webster
Margaret Hutt
Margaret Livingston
Maria Phillips-Wright
Marian Hughes
Marie Benn
Marilyn Davidson
Mark Allbrook
Mark Boyd
Mark Braun
Mark Chipperfield
Mark Clay
Mark Dowie
Mark Golley
Mark Johnson
Mark Wilson
Marketta Earp
Mark Fitzsimmons
Mark Hill
Mark Little
Mark Lynton
Mark Turton
Mark Walsh
Mark Worsey
Martin Bright
Martin Cracknell
Martin Hughes
Martin Kasiuk
Martin Parsons
Martin Warren
Martin Browne
Martin Fagg
Martin Flynn
Martin Kelsey
MartinMaureen Preston
Martin Sawyers
Martyn Quinn
Mary Perry
Matt Byham
Matthew Cattell
Matthew Rodgers
Matthew Gibbs
Matthew Naylor
Maurice Eccleshall
Maurice Jones
Max Metcalfe
Mervyn Anthony
Michael Clark
Michael Curran
Michael Harcup
Michael Lawrence
Michael Olin
Michael Paling
Michael Payne
Mick Roe
Michael Russell
Michael Sweeney
Michael Watson
Michael Williams
Michael Chapman
Michael Payne
Michael Rimmell
Michael Terry
Michael Williams
Mick Bird
Mick Flude
Mick Green
Mick Hirons
Mick Woodward
Mick Walker
Mark Dowie
Mike Ball
Mike Creasor
Mike Goodwin
Mike Poulton
Mike Shirley
Mike Stew
Mike Wilson
Mike Bailey
Mike Caldwell
Mike Holley
Mike & Angela Lomax
Mikke O’Hanlon
Mary-Jane Jeanes
Monica Doshi
Morgan Benitez
Moss Taylor
National Trust
Neil Alford
Neil Manthorpe
Neil Sainthouse
Neil Dyson
Neil Oxenbury
Neil Stocks
Neil Senior
Neville Davies
Nicholas Kimber
Nicholas Warner
Nick Bell
Nick Parsons
Nick Rogers
Nick Thorpe
Nicholas Martin
NickFrankie Owens
Nick Galley
Nick Penny
Nicola Coe
NicSue Page
Nigel Redman
Nigel Rogers
Nigel Young
Nik Borrow
Noel Brock
Noel Elms
Norman Cobley
Nick Parsons
Ollie Allison
Ollie C
Raysersk Yserskel
ouchaou azze-eddine
Owen Burnham
Owen Haisell
Owen Burnham
OwenMonica Marks
Pamela Wilks
Pat Dwyer
Patricia Davis
Patrick Parrinder
Pat Test3
Pat Test4
Pat Testing
Paul Bedford
Paul Boult
Paul Burrows
Paul Davidson
Paul Gaffan
Paul Griggs
Paul Hale
Paul Jackson
Paul Keates
Paul Laurie
Paul Morris
Paul Taylor
Paul Timms
Paul Wilcox
Paul Pearson
Paul Buxton
Pauline Allen
Pauline Gillings
Pauline Walton
Pauline McBride
Paul & Jan Williams
paul johnson
PaulJulie WightStringer
Paul Spoerry
PaulSusan HowellsAustin
paul thomas
PaulVanessa Hannant
Paul Wadsworth
Paul Waters
Penny Clarke
Peta Jellis
Peter Barsby
Peter Bowden
Peter Charles
Peter Colston
Peter Crawley
Peter Davies
Peter Dolton
Peter Drewery
Peter Evans
Peter Gluth
Peter Kitchener
Peter Lindsley
Peter Livermore
Peter Maddison
Peter Morris
Peter Nash
Peter Nickless
Peter Payne
Peter Robinson
Peter Ryan
Peter Schoenberger
Peter Sewell
Peter Stevenson
Peter Thatcher
PeteRachel Hazlehurst
PeterAnna AldousThompson
Peter Dobson
Peter Emery
Peter Evans
Peter Follett
Peter Fullagar
Peter & Nancy Baker
Peter Northwood
Peter Rollings
PeterShirley Lord
Peter Smith
Peter & Sue Morrison
Peter Walton
Peter Schmidt-Hansen
Phil Borley
Phil Hampson
Phil Banyard
Philip Butson
Philip Hall
Philip & Patricia Cartlidge
Phillip Burns
PhillipLinda Morris
Phil Littler
Graham Robinson
Quentin Given
Rachel Nicolle
Rachel Darnley-Smith
Chris Rahner
Ralph Marshall
Ralph Radford
Ralph Emmerson
Ray Hooper
Ray Murray
Ray Tuck
Ray Andrews
Ray Andrews
Raymond Jeffers
Rebecca Banksnwt
Rebecca Harwood
rex dawson
Richard Aspinall
Richard Baughan
Richard Burton
Richard Chandler
Richard Cross
Richard Eagling
Richard Gozney
Richard Harden
Richard Millington
Richard Petley
Richard Pople
Richard Porter
Richard Price
Richard Rolfe
Richard Hompstead
Richard Banester
Richard Carden
Richard Chillingsworth
RichardJoan Moore
Richard Moorhead
Richard Popplewell
Richard Rolfe
RichardShirley Croft
Richard Staniland
Richard Taylor
Richard Ward
Richard Webb
Riley Woodhouse
Rita Lingard
Ritabb Benson
Rob Andrews
Rob Dunster
Rob Evans
Rob Harris
Rob Holmes
Rob Lucking
Robert Clarke
Robert Lee
Robert Thompson
Robert Cheshire
Robert Frost
Robert McLean
Robert Nash
RobertPamela Digby
RobertPatricia Horwood
RobertSally Richards
Rob Francis
Robin Combe
Robin Sanders
Robin Wood
RobinRachel Hamilton
RobinTannia Heale
Rob Lee
Rob Lucking
Rob Pointon
Rod Dean
Rodney Bakewell
Roger Ackroyd
Roger Bell
Roger Bland
Roger Brett
Roger Fickling
Roger Thompson
Roger Tidman
Roger Unite
Roger Ward
Roger Ackroyd
Roger Emmens
Roger Hardy
Roger & Lesley Lougher
RogerMargot Brownsword
RogerMary Townsin
RogerMaureen Ridley
Roger Murphy
Ron Forrester
Ron Scott
Ron Johns
RonSue Johns
Rosemary Hale
Rowland Blake
Roy Dennis
Roy Ledgerton
Roy Dennis
Roy Slater
Russ Malin
Ruth Brumby
Ruth Ronnie
Ruth Sproule
Ruth Burne
Sacha Barbato
Sally Dyde
Sally Quarterman
Sally Hammond
Sally Walsh
Sally Wilding
Sam Fuller
Sam Leswell
Sandra Bletchly
Sandy Smith
Sarah Kelly
SarahTony TribeDunkley
Seamons GordonRichard
Sean Dempster
Sean Gray
Sean Hugginsx
Sean Huggins
Sergio Tomey
Steven Hollingworth
Sharon Ingram
Shaun Bailey
Shayne Ford
Simon Alexander
Simon Dennis
Simon Kidd
Simon Proctor
Simon Stacey
Simon Brown
Siobhan Wiese
Stephen Buckle
Stephen Burrell
Stephen Drane
Stephen Haynes
Stephen Morris
Stephen Noakes
StephenClare GreenWilson
Stephen cooper
Stephen Hack
Stephen Heaton
Stephen Hickling
Stephen Webb
Steve Allen
Steve Beal
Steve Chapman
Steve Gantlett
Steve Hale
Steve Haynes
Steve Mansfield
Steve Newman
Steve Poole
Steve Allen
Steve Atkinson
Steve Barber
Steve & Sue Lee
SteveLiz Harris
Steve Meredith
Steven Andrews
Steven Hollingworth
Steven Lane
Steven Stansfield
Steven Belcher
Steven Crewe
Steven Sonsino
Steve Tutt
Steve Wain
Steve white
Stewart Betts
Stewart Reynolds
Stew Wilson
Stuart White
Stuart Wakeham
Sue Lee
Sue Gale
Sue Lynn
SueChristine Bradshaw
Sue Gregory
Sue&Ian Griffin
Sue Westbury
susan Booth
Susan Monteath
SusannahCharles Robinson
Susie Turner
SusieColin Kemp
Sue Driver
Sylvia Parcell
T Wright
Ted Smith
Ted Smith
Terry Smith
Terry Stevens
Terry B Bingham
Terry Bingham
Terence Fletcher
Terry & Valda Moore
Tessa Clarke
The Market
Theresa Spencer
Thomas Gibson
Thomas Green
ThomasHarry Conley
Tiggr Dearden
Tim Allwood
Tim Archer
Tim Baldwin
Tim Bryant
Tim Hill
Tim Knight
Tim Slater
Tim Wilkinson
Barbara Woodcock
TimIrene Loseby
Tim Kieran
Tim Knapp
Tim Suiter
Tom Green
Tom Hassall
Tom Hubball
Tom Keetley
Tom Whiley
Tom, Godelieve & Harvey Hill
Tom & Jane Wade
Tom Keetley
Tommy Corcoran
Tom Palmer
Tony Aberdein
Tony Forster
Tony Hinkins
Tony Marr
Tony Moverley
Tony Parsons
Tony Pope
Tony Prater
Tony Hood
Tony Lloyd
Tony Pike
Trevor Poyser
Trevor Davies
Trevor Hannant
Trevor Potter
Trevor Williams
TrevorAvril Spall
Trevor Jones
Trevorpatricia Ellis
Trevor Warren
Tricia Maile
User2 Test7
Valerie Canty
Valerie Mulder
ValerieNick Stubbs
Vardas pavarfde
VaughanSarah Roberts
Vaughn Marshall
Vicky Frost
Victoria Holliday
Vinnie Purdy
Vivien Cooke
Vs Sarre
Tony & Enid Murphy
Walter Sadler
Wayne Evans
Wayne Shields
Sam Dunning
Wg Every
Will Burdett
William Carter
William Earp
William Hudson
William Landells
William Short
William Carter
William Brownlow
Walter Sadler
Yuri Kono