CBC Wildlife News

Records submitted, most recent first. Amber indicates scarce, bold red indicates a description is needed for verification at county or national level, green indicates category D (reasonable doubt of natural occurrence) or category E (escapes or non-sustaining introductions).


Sat 29 March 2025

Kelling WM
13:13 to 14:10

3 Red Kite (Feeding on the shingle ride) ,

[Graham Brownlow]

Fri 28 March 2025

Cley Marshes
14:15 to 16:00
Warm, wind from SW, gentle.

4 Chiffchaff (Walsey Hills) ,

2 Spoonbill (North Scrape to North Foreland) ,

1 Great White Egret (Billy's Wash) ,

1 Water Pipit (Lovely summer plumaged bird found by GF on Simmonds Scrape) ,

1 Firecrest (Walsey Hills, elusive but calling periodically towards south end of the main footpath.) ,

[David Griffiths]

Fri 28 March 2025

Cley Marshes
07:25 to 09:00
10C, SW f5>4, Cloud with some lt rain. Visited Bishop's, E Bank (viewing Serpentine, Brackish & Arnold's.

50 Dark-bellied Brent Goose ,

11 Pintail (Serpentine, Brackish & Arnold's) ,

2 Pochard (pr Snipe's) ,

5 Grey Heron (N Foreland) ,

4 Cormorant (Pope's Pool) ,

1 Red Kite ,

3 Marsh Harrier ,

7 Oystercatcher ,

158 Avocet ,

5 Curlew ,

158 Black-tailed Godwit ,

2 Snipe (Serpentine) ,

42 Redshank ,

5 Ruff (4 ad f, 1 ad m, Pat's & Serpentine) ,

2 Turnstone (Brackish/Arnold's) ,

8 Dunlin ,

2 Little Ringed Plover (Pat's) ,

5 Ringed Plover (Arnold's) ,

1 Grey Plover (Arnold's) ,

3 Golden Plover (Arnold's briefly) ,

1 Reed Bunting (E Bank) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

Thu 27 March 2025

Cley Marshes
18:12 to 18:13
WSW12, sun down.

1 Glossy Ibis (turned back into NFWood.) ,

[Tom Whiley]

Thu 27 March 2025

Cley (sea)
18:00 to 18:30
Cold wind

3 Great White Egret (Parked in beach car park looking back towards visitor centre in the field near an old disused hide ) ,

3 Great White Egret (Parked in beach car park looking back towards visitor centre in the field ) ,

[Colin Hunt]

Thu 27 March 2025

Cley (sea)
18:00 to 18:30
Cold wind

c.3 Great White Egret (Parked in beach car park looking back towards visitor centre ) ,

[Colin Hunt]

Thu 27 March 2025

Cley Marshes
13:30 to 15:30
Warm with wind from SW.

25 Dunlin (Simmonds) ,

4 Marsh Harrier (2 m, 2f. Lot of activity with one male trying to present food to a female. Stunning attack on a Teal, which got away, on Simmonds.) ,

2 Little Ringed Plover (Pats) ,

1 Buzzard (Regular dark bird hunting reserve) ,

4 Great White Egret (Mainly around Billy's Wash) ,

1 Spoonbill (Simmonds then off west) ,

1 Snipe (Simmonds) ,

[David Griffiths]

Thu 27 March 2025

Cley Marshes
07:05 to 10:00
7-12C, WSW f4, Sun clouding over then mist, Visited Bishop's & central Hides, Snipe's, Iron Rd & Coastguards.

66 Dark-bellied Brent Goose ,

2 Pochard (pr Snipe's) ,

1 Little Grebe (Snipe's) ,

2 Spoonbill (ad + imm Pat's) ,

1 Great White Egret ,

3 Little Egret ,

1 Buzzard ,

1 Red Kite ,

3 Marsh Harrier ,

2 Coot (Snipe's) ,

2 Oystercatcher (Bull Marsh) ,

133 Avocet (Pat's) ,

172 Black-tailed Godwit (Pat's) ,

1 Curlew ,

1 Snipe (Pat's) ,

18 Redshank ,

7 Ruff (5 ad m, 2 ad f, central scrapes) ,

1 Turnstone (Pat's) ,

6 Dunlin (central scrapes) ,

2 Little Ringed Plover (Pat's) ,

2 Swallow (flew over going west) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

Wed 26 March 2025

Cley Marshes
06:55 to 09:35
4-14C, SSW f2, Sun - felt warm! Visited Bishop's, Skirts, Snipe's,E Bank & Arnold's.

2 Pink-footed Goose ,

55 Dark-bellied Brent Goose ,

2 Egyptian Goose (field S of Snipe's) ,

11 Pintail (10 Brackish, 1 Serprntine) ,

2 Pochard (pr Snipe's) ,

3 Little Grebe (1 Snipe's, 2 Main drain) ,

9 Grey Heron (N Foreland) ,

2 Little Egret ,

11 Cormorant ,

4 Marsh Harrier ,

2 Coot (Snipe's) ,

7 Oystercatcher ,

118 Avocet ,

9 Curlew ,

4 Snipe (2 Serpentine, 2 Pat's) ,

27 Redshank ,

6 Ruff (all ad m) ,

4 Turnstone ,

162 Black-tailed Godwit ,

82 Dunlin ,

1 Little Ringed Plover (Pat's) ,

10 Ringed Plover (Arnold's) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

Tue 25 March 2025

Cley Marshes
07:00 to 09:05
7-10C, WSW f4 , sun early then overcast. Visited Bishop's Skirts, Snipe's, E Bank (viewing Serpentine, Pope's Pool, Arnold's & Brackish).

7 Lesser White-fronted Goose (W at 08:35. Not the recent Cley flock but the one recently reported from Stiffkey Flood.) ,

1 Dark-bellied Brent Goose ,

2 Egyptian Goose (Pat's) ,

11 Pintail (1 drake, Serpentine, 10 Brackish) ,

2 Pochard (pr Snipe's) ,

3 Little Grebe (1Snipe's, 1 Don's, 1 Main Drain) ,

1 Spoonbill (flew into N Foreland) ,

11 Grey Heron (on marsh E of E Bank) ,

1 Little Egret (Brackish) ,

4 Cormorant (Pope's Pool) ,

2 Marsh Harrier (m + f) ,

3 Coot (1 Snipe's, 2 Don's Pool) ,

6 Oystercatcher (4 Arnold's, 2 Brackish) ,

109 Avocet ,

4 Curlew (Arnold's) ,

107 Black-tailed Godwit (Pat's/Serpentine) ,

4 Snipe ,

27 Redshank ,

10 Ruff (5 ad m, 5 ad f, all Pat's) ,

4 Turnstone (Brackish) ,

93 Dunlin ,

1 Little Ringed Plover (Pat's) ,

8 Ringed Plover (6 Arnold's, 2 Brackish) ,

23 Lapwing (a few displaying but no nests seen ) ,

1 Wren (seen singing in E Bank car park) ,

[David & Pat Wileman]

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