
Submit an Article

Can you, or have you written, an article related to local wildlife or conservation which you think would be of interest to other members of the CBC? If so, please submit it giving a short summary which will be shown, together with your name, on this page and attach the document to an email to the Web Administrator.


Members' Articles

A Cley Bird Club website poem

By: Martin Woodcock

Martin has kindly submitted a poem about a visit he made to a rarity on Blakeney Point. It’ll make you smile!

Download 'CBC website poem.pdf’

Grey Seals on Blakeney Point

By: Chris Wheeler

Following the publicity and interest that has been engendered by the breeding Grey Seals at Blakeney Point this winter (2013), Chris thought it would be interesting to find out more about what is happening. Here are his findings.

Download ‘Grey Seals at Blakeney Point.pdf’

An exceptional arrival of thrushes on the east coast in October 2012

By: Richard Porter for 'British Birds' magazine

Download ‘Thrushes E Coast 2012.pdf’

Dartford Warblers on Kelling Heath

By: Noel Elms

A licensed ringer and a licensed photographer share information and pictures of nesting Dartford Warblers.

Download ‘Dartford Warblers on Kelling Heath.pdf’

Conservation knows no boundaries

By: Richard Porter

This fascinating article appeared in The Guardian in October 2012 and details how Nature Iraq is contributing towards the cost of acquiring Pope’s Marsh

Download ‘Conservation Knows no Boundaries.pdf’