Newsletter 127 – Autumn 2023

  • Editorial – The future of Turtle Doves?
  • Cley Square Bird News – July to October 2023 – Pat & David Wileman
  • The Blakeney Point 2023 breeding season – Duncan Halpin, Head Ranger, Blakeney Point NT
  • The best of the rest in Norfolk – July to October 2023 – Julian Thomas
  • Other Wildlife Reports in the Cley Square – Autumn 2023 – Russ Malin
  • Autumn 2023 Photo Highlights
  • The Grayling – flailing or failing – Richard Porter
  • A summer White-tailed Eagle at Bayfield – Richard Price
  • Club News
  • Cley News
  • Comments
  • Mannington – a hidden gem in North Norfolk – Emma Buck, Mannington Estate Countryside Ranger
  • Who owns the Cley Square? II – Steve Gantlett