Cley Square Lists

The lists you see below contain all species recorded in the CBC area (the extended TG04 Cley Square – click The Square tab above for a definition of this area).


Full Cley Square List

The full historic list for the CBC area has now been updated to the end of 2024 and this stands at 401 species of which 2 are still awaiting acceptance.  For each species it includes details of numbers recorded and the years seen.  For one species, a Little Bustard at Morston in 1836, we cannot be sure that it was actually in the Square.  It also includes 4 species which were definitely outside of the TG04 official 10Km square but inside our extended Square.   This list can be downloaded as a pdf by clicking Cley Bird List (updated February 2025).

2024 List

A total of 259 bird species were recorded in the Square in 2024. To download a list of these together with counts and number of days seen, click on 2024 Bird List.


A checklist of birds of the Cley Square, including a map of the area, which can be used to keep track of what you have seen can be downloaded by clicking Bird Checklist


52 mammal species have been recorded in The Square up to August 2020.  Taxonomy and order from Mammal Society April 2020. To view and download this list click on Mammal List

In addition, there are also two claimed records of Yellow-necked Mouse Apodemus flavicollis (1986 and 2002), but both seem to be unproven. Also, an Atlantic White-sided Dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus found dead on Blakeney Point in November 2006 was only tentatively identified (NBMR 2006: 357), while a Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncates was recorded 10 miles north of Blakeney Point (and so outside the CBC area) on 4th July 2008 (NBMR 2008: 218). 


36 butterfly species have been recorded in The Square up to August 2020.  Taxonomy is from Butterfly Conservation and order from The Butterflies of Britain & Ireland, Thomas & Lewington 2010.   To view and download this list click on Butterfly List

In addition, Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus has occurred as a presumed import in peas, but could occur as a vagrant. Also, Purple Emperor Apatura iris is spreading nearby (e.g. recorded at Sheringham and Beeston Common in 2018 & 2019) so could soon occur. Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros also seems likely to occur soon (there have been increasing scattered records in England since 2015, including one nearby at High Kelling in April 2020, with probably the same individual at Kelling but still outside the CBC area in May 2020), while both Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia and Marbled White Melanargia galathea have not been recorded but could occur as vagrants in the future (the latter having been recorded in the square to the immediate west during 2010-2014 according to the Butterfly Conservation webmap).


1049 species of moth have been recorded in The Square up to August 2020. Records are drawn mostly from trapping at Cley NWT and Natural Surroundings and this list is taken from the Norfolk Moths website. To view and download this list click on Moth List.

By clicking on a scientific name on the list you will be directed to the Norfolk Moths website giving you more details on that species.


25 dragonfly species have been recorded in The Square up to August 2020.  To view and download this list click on Dragonfly List.

In addition, Southern Emerald Damselfly Lestes barbarus, Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva and Black Darter Sympetrum danae may be considered likely to occur as vagrants in the future.